So... i've been using this beauty blender for almost a month and i have to say i fell i love with this thing from the first time i tried it. apparently its been out for a while now but i just recently seen Kim Kardashian getting her makeup done with this wonder. lol anyway i found a local spa that sold it and rushed down to get me one. i was told that they last for at least 3 months depending on use. and once your done with them you can send them back to the company to have them recycled. i bought my set for $35 and it came with one sponge and a bottle of cleanser. so start off by getting the sponge nice and wet then squeeze it into a dry towel, pick up some foundation and with dabbing motion apply. im telling you, you will have the nicest natural looking makeup. it will give you that airbrush affect we all crave! check it out the site for more info.http://www.beautyblender.net/
I've heard so many good things about this! What a great invention; who knew a sponge could be one of the best ways to apply makeup.