Ok so ive had these minerals for sometime now and i finally got inspired to do some colorful makeup(which i love...i've just been hella lazy..) so anyway i figured why not try my beauty from the earth multipurpose minerals. so i chose my colors yadah, yadah, yahdah and created a look. I used 4 different multipurpose minerals and all of them were fabolous! i had NO FALL OUT! the colors went on bright and true to color and blended like a dream. They come in 5g sifter jars with a clear top (which for makeup junkies is awsome cuz we can find the color in our kit faster) the shadows are finely milled and can be used wet or dry and they have TONS of colors! they also do this thing which they call "color of the week" where full size jars go for $2.00. heres what i used for this look... enjoy!
what i used:
mac sculpt and shape foundation (nc40) applied with my beauty blender
cinema secrets conceler
mac mineralize skinfinish natual (medium plus)
mac so cylon minerlize skinfinish
mac fun and games blush
too faced shadow insurance
mac painterly paint pot
bfte- blueberry http://beautyfromtheearth.com/store/WsDefault.asp?One=324
bfte- grape http://beautyfromtheearth.com/store/WsDefault.asp?One=326
bfte- strawberry http://beautyfromtheearth.com/store/WsDefault.asp?One=319
bfte- strawberry http://beautyfromtheearth.com/store/WsDefault.asp?One=319
styli-style eyeliner -black
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